Ok...so let's get to the goods. I arrived at Comic-Con incredibly early for a Saturday: a brisk 35 degree New York day, 8:30am. I had purposely not eaten anything since I planned on leaving a little early to get home and eat a late lunch. Fine, I did have some plantain chips because you absolutely should not neglect your stomach. Do you want it to get so hungry that you stop being hungry? No way!!!!
I perspired with anticipation thinking about what waited to get chomped up at home. Now, this little guy needs no introduction. It's a classic. It's small, but packs a flavorful punch. It's....

You can't see, but it reads, in a yellow box to inform you, that it contains 7 ESSENTIAL vitamins and minerals. Essential. Meaning, you need them to survive. So not only does a Hot Pocket offer you different varieties, crusts, and delectability, but it can help save your life. If that's not a reason to eat these things, you must not be smoking what I'm smoking. For you veggies out there, they do offer a cheddar and brocoli kind in a croissant crust. You can microwave them, but for optimal taste, I suggest a toaster or regular oven. When cooked in an oven, the crust comes out just perfect - crunchy exterior and a nice, even dough.

Although 2 come in a package, I wanted variety in my meal, so I only heated up one of them. That's where the chicken breast tenders came in. And I had

On the outside, a Hot Pocket is order. It is clean, with a slightly buttered sheen. The corners are sharp. Its body is defined. But a few bites into it, the chaos reveals itself. The reason is to provide a flavor meshed with cheese and pepperoni. It wants you to not worry about destorying the picture-perfect crust in order for you to fully enjoy the aroma and taste awaiting you inside.

Is there a Hall of Fame for food? If so, I would like to nominate Hot Pockets, and it better get in on the first ballot.
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